
24-26 October 2024

SIE 65th Annual Conference - Italian Economic Association

Università degli Studi di Urbino, Italy

Digitalization and the Regionalization of Global Value Chains in the European Industries

Program available here:

65th Annual Conference - Italian Economic Association

16-17 September 2024

Workshop “Reshaping Global Value Chains: Approaches and Insights from Economics

Università Roma Tre, Italy

Global Value Chains under Geopolitical Distress

More info:

Keynote Lecture by Saul Estrin – Centro Rossi-Doria (

4-6 September 2024

“AISRe XLV Annual Scientific Conference

Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy

 Racing for the batteries: A structural assessment of the lithium-batteries supply chain

Program available here:

Conference Program – A.I.S.Re – Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (

13-14 June 2024

“SIEPI XXII Annual Workshop

Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy

Digital transformation and the regionalization of Global Value Chains in the European industries

Program available here:

Programma XXII Workshop.docx (

11 December 2023

LUISS, DEF internal seminar

Università LUISS Guido Carli, Roma, Italy

Intangible capital, market power, and the productivity puzzle in the European economies”

Info available here:

Intangible Capital, Market Power, and Productivity | Economia e Finanza (

6 December 2023

SIE-SIEPI, L'economia italiana negli anni venti

Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy

“Manufacturing firms' internationalization

Program available here:

Altre Iniziative Siepi – SIEPI

15 September 2023

ETSG, 24th Annual Conference

University of Surrey, Guilford, UK

Exporting in complex and centralized product networks

Program available here:


7 September 2023

AISRe, XLIX Annual Scientific Conference: Europe and the Mediterranean between transitions and conflicts. Opportunities and risks for regions and territories

Parthenope University, Napoli, Italy

“Global Value Chains and Reshoring during Covid-19: Challenges in a post-covid world

Program available here:

XLIV Conferenza scientifica annuale, 2023 – A.I.S.Re – Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (

17 February 2023

Workshop: “TRASPI: Analisi delle trasformazioni del sistema produttivo attraverso (micro)dati amministrativi”

Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy

Intangible capital, market power and productivity in the European economies

Program available here:

BdI-ISTAT-TRASPI-Agenda.pdf (

26 January 2023

Workshop: “La struttura produttiva italiana a fronte dei recenti sconvolgimenti globali”

Fondazione Tor Vergata, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Global Value Chain resilience and reconfiguration: A focus on Italy”

Program available here:

Programma_Workshop_26_gennaio_2023_3_.pdf (

24 June 2022

“ITSG Workshop: “Current developments in international trade and cross-border economic activities: a focus on new technologies, environment and labour markets”

Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy

The Internationalization of State-Owned Enterprises: An Analysis of cross-border M&As”

Program available here:

Final_Programme_2_.pdf (

16 June 2022

“SIEPI XX Annual Workshop

Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione e di Economia, L'Aquila, Italy

The Internationalization of State-Owned Enterprises: An Analysis of cross-border M&As”

Program available here:

Giovedì 16 Giugno 2022 – SIEPI

10 June 2022

“International Workshop: European Trade Policy and Global Value Chains

Department of Economics, Roma Tre University, Italy

Reshoring and Plant Closures in Covid-19 Times: Evidence from Italian MNEs

Program available here:


16 May 2022

Workshop: Technological change, Productivity, and Market Power in the European Countries

LUISS School of European Political Economy, Rome, Italy

“Aggregate Markup and Productivity Dynamics in the European Countries”

Program available here:

Workshop: Technological change, Productivity, and Market Power in the European Countries - Events - School of European Political Economy Luiss

8-9 April 2022

48th AIB UK & Ireland Conference organised jointly with 8th Reading IB Conference

Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK

“Reshoring and Plant Closures in Covid-19 times: Evidence from Italian MNEs”

Program available here:

Conference programme - AIB-UKI (Academy of International Business UK and Ireland Chapter)


10 December 2021

“Caratteristiche strutturali dell’economia toscana: sfide e opportunità”

Bank of Italy, Florence

L’apertura internazionale e le catene globali del valore: le sfide nella crisi pandemica

28 October 2021

“62nd Annual Conference - Italian Economic Association”

Session 57: Trade II

“The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy”

Program available here:

62nd Annual Conference - Italian Economic Association (

13 September 2021

“11th Conference on Economics of Global Interactions”

Bari University, Italy

“The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy”

Program available here:

Bari Global Interactions Program

10 September 2021

“22nd ETSG Annual Conference”

Ghent University, Belgium

There and Back Again? International Production and Hysteresis: Lessons from Italian Firms in Covid-19 Times

“The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy”

Program available here:

ETSG2021 Programme

14 July 2021

“L'Italia dopo il Covid: le sfide da vincere”

Convegno di "Economia Italiana", rivista fondata da Mario Arcelli
Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze, Sala Azzurra, Roma

“The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy”

Video available here:

L’Italia dopo il Covid: le sfide da vincere – ECONOMIA ITALIANA


27-28 May 2021

“Workers and Firms in Global Production Networks: Policy Implications

Faculty of Management and Economics
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

“The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy”

Slides available here:

Conference program - Projekt OPUS 10 (UMO-2015/19/B/HS4/02884) (