RED3 Economics Seminars
Here you find information on the Economics Seminars Series of the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University organized by Francesco Salustri and myself.
Test maker
This spreadsheet can be used as a test database. It
allows you to generate randomized printable tests and the relative solutions. See
also the blog post (in Italian).
Grading rubric
This spreadsheet is a grading rubric template with some automation. Automatically generate new rubrics, compile student lists with grades, easily move across sheets. Rubrics print ready, and there is also a companion Word template.
Area of a triangle
This spreadsheet is an application of the Heron’s
formula. It allows you to draw and compute the area and the heights of a
triangle starting from the sides.
Track changes
Provides a package for basic track changes in LaTeX
pdf output. See here for more information.
Pdf extract
Sample commands to extract parts from pdf documents.
A do-file to generate and graph a Cobb-Douglas
Graph convert
A do-file to convert Stata graphs in other formats.
Value added content of exports
Scripts to perform a domestic and foreign value added decompostion of exports (aggregate, sectoral, bilateral and bilateral-sectoral). Runs on WIOD release 2013, on WIOD release 2016 and on ICIO-TiVA.